About Pontifical Secret
Pontifical Secret and Madonnina
Pontifical Secret* facilitated and covered up sexual crimes against children and vulnerable adults for the past century.
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Top Vatican investigator on sex abuse says church must empower victims
Archbishop Scicluna Clergy Abuse Title: Top Vatican investigator on sex abuse says church must empower victims Author: Claire Giangrave Publisher: Religion News Service Date: 02JUL2020 VATICAN CITY (RNS) — It’s been more than a year since Pope Francis issued his historic document, “Vos Est Lux Mundi (You are the light of the world),” and ushered in
Rozanski’s actions in sex abuse case sets path for change in motion (Editorial)
Rozanski Velis Weldon Editorial Title: Rozanski’s actions in sex abuse case sets path for change in motion (Editorial) Authors: The Republican Editorials Publisher: MassLive Media Date: 02JUN2020 “I was raped.” The claim by a Berkshire County man that he had been repeatedly raped and molested as altar boy by one of the most revered figures in
New laws to better support victims of child sexual abuse
Seal Confession Unsealed LAW Title: New laws to better support victims of child sexual abuse Author: Press Release Publisher: ACT Government Date: 02JUL2020 New laws introduced today in the ACT Legislative Assembly change the way that evidence laws operate to support access to justice for victims of child sexual abuse. Specifically, these changes ensure that information
Laudato Si’ gets more attention in Church than child protection, expert says
Laudato Si Child Protection Title: Laudato Si’ gets more attention in Church than child protection, expert says Author: Elise Ann Allen Publisher: Crux Date: 01JUL2020 ROME – A leading expert says that the Catholic Church still has a long way to go in acknowledging and being aware of sexual abuse, pointing out that the pope’s
Analysis: As Archbishop Viganò denounces Vatican II, the Vatican is not speaking
Silent Vatican Vigano McCarrick Title: Analysis: As Archbishop Viganò denounces Vatican II, the Vatican is not speaking Author: JD Flynn Publisher: Catholic News Agency Date: 01JUL2020 Denver Newsroom, Jul 1, 2020 / 11:35 am MT (CNA).- When Archbishop Carlo Viganò made headlines in August 2018, it was for a sweeping open letter that accused Church officials
Justice for victims
Justice For Victims Indonesia Title: Justice for victims Author: Editorial Board Publisher: The Jakarta Post Date: 01JUL2020 More and more victims of sexual violence in Indonesia are speaking up, including those allegedly assaulted in religious communities. Most recently the Depok, West Java, Police arrested a church caretaker for allegedly molesting at least 20 children under his tutelage
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