
Update: The Heart of the Matter

Update Heart Of Matter

Title: Update: The Heart of the Matter

Author: Father Mark White

Publisher: Father Mark White Blog

Date: 20JUN2020

If you say to me, Socrates, this time you shall be let off, but upon one condition, that you are not to inquire and speculate in this way any more, and that if you are caught doing so again you shall die— If this was the condition on which you let me go, I should reply: Men of Athens, I honor and love you, but I shall obey God rather than you.

Socrates, to the jury, as quoted in Plato’s Apology

I received a letter from my bishop on Wednesday. Bishop Knestout wrote:

Father White:

The restoration of your priestly ministry will be dependent on your taking down your blog, as you were directed by decree, specifically:

Reverend Mark White is to cease from this moment in disseminating his opinions by means of any social media: in print, by audio, or video, or any digital means… Any previous posts are to be removed from all social media and the account is to be closed.

In the exercise of his pastoral office, Father White is to refrain from all assertions against, or judgments about, the hierarchy of the Church.

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