Tag: NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge

The Altar Boys

‘The Altar Boys’ launches amid renewed calls for answers

Investigate Father Walsh Death Title: ‘The Altar Boys’ launches amid renewed calls for answers Author: Rebecca Riddle Publisher: NewcastleWeekly Date: 20AUG2020 The launch of an explosive new book in Newcastle has marked the start of fresh calls for a police investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of whistle-blowing Hunter priest, Father Glen Walsh.Two dozen

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The Altar Boys

The Altar Boys: new questions about suicides of clergy abuse survivors should spark another inquiry

Altar Boys Clergy Abuse Title: The Altar Boys: new questions about suicides of clergy abuse survivors should spark another inquiry Author: Kathleen McPhillips Publisher: The Conversation Date: 28AUG2020 Investigative journalist Suzie Smith’s new book The Altar Boys is a searing read that raises new questions about the suicides of three former victims of Catholic clergy

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The Altar Boys

Vatican told whistleblower priest to be a hostile witness: friend

Vatican Walsh Whistleblower Priest Title: Vatican told whistleblower priest to be a hostile witness: friend Author: Harriet Alexander Publisher: Brisbane Times Date: 28AUG2020 Whistleblower priest Father Glen Walsh told his next-door neighbour that the Vatican had instructed him to be a hostile witness when he was called to testify against an Archbishop accused of concealing

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The Altar Boys

What are you planning to say?’ Pope quizzed whistleblower priest, book claims

Pope quizzed whistleblower priest Title: ‘What are you planning to say?’ Pope quizzed whistleblower priest, book claims Author: Harriet Alexander Publisher: The Sydney Morning Herald Date:  20AUG2020 A low-ranking parish priest who agreed to give evidence against an archbishop accused of concealing child sexual abuse was mysteriously summoned to the Vatican before he was due

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