Tag: homosexuality among the clergy

Child Sexual Abuse

Silenced priest warns of gay crisis

Priest Silenced Church Crisis Title: Silenced priest warns of gay crisis Author: Julia Duin Publisher: The Washington Times [Arlington VA] Date: 15NOV2004 Starting today, 290 of the nation’s Catholic bishops will meet at the Capitol Hyatt for their yearly business meeting and to tie up loose ends on the massive sexual-abuse crisis that has shaken

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The Catholic Church’s Biggest Crisis Since the Reformation Why a New Wave of Sexual Abuse Revelations Has Deepened Preexisting Divisions

Vigano McCarrick Church Crisis Title: The Catholic Church’s Biggest Crisis Since the Reformation Why a New Wave of Sexual Abuse Revelations Has Deepened Preexisting Divisions Author: Massimo Faggioli Publisher: Foreign Affairs Date: 06JUN2019 The Catholic Church is facing its most serious crisis in 500 years. In these last few months, a new wave of clerical

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