Tag: 07JAN2021


Most viewed posts 2020: Father Glen Walsh paid a heavy price (Sep 9, 2020)

Glen Walsh Heavy Price Title: Most viewed posts 2020: Father Glen Walsh paid a heavy price (Sep 9, 2020) Author: Chris Geraghty Publisher: John Menadue – Pearls and Irritations Date: 07JAN2021 The revelations never end about priests and brothers, of monsignors and bishops with their secret sexual lives, masturbating, buggerizing, sodomizing and raping boys and

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Pope Francis abolishes pontifical

Australian agency reviewing data on Vatican money transfers

AUSTRAC Vatican Money Transfers Title: Australian agency reviewing data on Vatican money transfers Author: Nicole Winfield with contribution from Rod McGuirk Publisher: ABCNews/Associated Press Date: 07JAN2021 Australia’s financial intelligence agency says it’s reviewing its data after questions were raised about its report that $1.8 billion was transferred from the Vatican to Australia over six years.

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