Confidential Light Southern Cross
Title: JOHN MENADUE. The Light From the Southern Cross.A Report on Catholic Church Governance
Author: John Menadue
Publisher: John Menadue—Pearls & Irritations
Date: 02JUN2020
This confidential 208 page Report ‘promoting Co-Responsible Governance in the Catholic Church in Australia’ was commissioned by the Australian Catholic Bishops and Religious Superiors to review the Catholic Church’s governance and management structures. This followed the final report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
The Royal Commission found that clericalism, a belief that priests and bishops are superior to the lay faithful, resulted in dysfunctional governance and management. The Royal Commission found that the abuse of clerical power was a key contributor to sexual abuse in the Catholic Church
Consistent with the Bishop’s practise of inertia and delay they have decided to withhold the Report from public view for at least another six months.
But here is a link to the Report
03 FINAL Southern Cross Report 010520 Single Page – Copy
For more information visit: