
Chilean abuse survivors fear COVID crisis will stop investigations into accused clergy

Chilean Abuse Survivors Fear

Title: Chilean abuse survivors fear COVID crisis will stop investigations into accused clergy
Author: Ines San Martin
Publisher: Crux
Date: 24SEP2020

SANTA FE, Argentina – Chilean abuse survivors allege that the government is using the COVID-19 pandemic to delay having to deal with South American country’s clerical abuse scandal.

“The emails of the [Chilean ecclesiastical] Survivors Network are on fire seeing the situation of the allegations in the prosecutor’s office,” said Eneas Espinoza, a survivor from the Marist Brothers who is still waiting for justice. “The expectation grows and there’s much concern over the possibility of the pandemic being the truck of dirt that the Catholic Church needs to cover up its crimes.”

“If the Chilean State doesn’t do its job, we’ll move forward towards international courts. We need a State that guarantees human rights, not one that is a passive accomplice of crimes,” he told El Mostrador.

“We will go as far as we have to go in the memory of all those who have died without the possibility of achieving justice and the just and necessary reparations,” he added. “In the Marist case alone, this year two victims of these crimes, which happened in their childhood, have died without seeing justice done.”
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