
Catholics want reform

Catholics Want Reform

Title: Catholics want reform

Author: Peter Johnstone

Publisher: John Menadue – Pearls and Irritations

Date: 30JUN2020

Catholics are rising up and accepting responsibility for renewing their Church. Catholics across Australia and New Zealand have met via Zoom to support the growing movement for reform of the Catholic Church.

Representatives of 17 reform groups and other invitees, from all Australian states and the ACT and from New Zealand, joined the forum of the Australian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform to discuss the Plenary Council now deferred to 2021/22.  The groups included representatives of new groups from the dioceses of Wagga Wagga, Tasmania, Toowoomba and Wollongong, reflecting the growing strength of the renewal movement across Australia. The Coalition continues to grow.

The 80 participants represented many thousands of Catholics who share deep concerns about the state of the institutional Church in Australia. At the forefront of those concerns are issues of good governance and the toxic culture of clericalism in the church, particularly the need for accountability, transparency, inclusion and gender equality.

The Coalition is increasingly harnessing the energy for renewal within the Church. Australian Catholics want a leadership that lives and models the teachings of Jesus. The Zoom meeting was likely the most representative meeting of Catholic reform groups ever held in Australia.

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